

Read the Hruska Clinic staff BLOG below to learn more from about their approach and how they can better help YOU! To reach our Blog Archive click button below.

Blog Archive

Can you turn a Trapezoid into a Square?

By: Jason Masek Origianally posted: 5-28-2019Lets Get Squared Away!In every moment we are shaping our bodies into a posture that corresponds to the demands placed upon it. Sometimes it repeats itself in a predictable way in which we call a pattern. We all fall into...

Meet Sara: An inspirational patient journey

Sara is a patient of the Hruska Clinic who has been through a long journey with her recovery from multiple issues. She has been through the process of integration with our dental teams, and optometric teams and knows most PRI exercises out there! This testimonial...

Hamstring Influence on an Anterior Pelvic Tilt

As part of our 3PR discussion series we are currently talking about the Position of the pelvis (anterior tilt) and the hamstring (long) in either a Left AIC or PEC Pattern.  See our YouTube channel for the video discussions on this topic. This is an old blog from...

Meet Kelsey: A PRIME testimonial

Meet Kelsey: A PRIME testimonial and discussion on “Long-Haul COVID” Meet Kelsey: Our conversation with Kelsey discusses her background and battle with “Long-Haul COVID” and how she found The Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) and PRIME and how we have been able to...

PRI Breathing Mechanics in COVID Times Series

The Hruska Clinic has always had a strong understanding of the respiratory system and its relationship to whole body function and well-being and desire to improve this function through the treatment philosophy and science of the Postural Restoration Institute(R)...

Decompress Your Back

As you may have read in our November Newsletter if you have back pain one of our main goals is to teach you how to decompress your back with exercises or activities designed to inhibit or "turn off" the back muscles by "turning on" the outer abdominals, glutes,...


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