

Read the Hruska Clinic staff BLOG below to learn more from about their approach and how they can better help YOU! To reach our Blog Archive click button below.

Blog Archive

Fall 2021 Shoe List: Find the right shoe for YOU!

The updated 2021 Shoe list is out! A few changes in the shoes on the list but more importantly we hope to have helped the list be more helpful in guiding you towards the best shoe for you. Just because a shoe is on the list doesn't mean its the best shoe for you....

Shoe (Sandal) of the Month: May 2021

BIRKENSTOCK SANDAL While we often prefer our patients to be in a good, stable, athletic shoe to maximize each person's ability to stand and walk in a more neurologically and biomechanically correct fashion, sometimes you just want to wear a sandal.  If you are looking...

Dental Integration Case Study: Diane

Case Study: Dental Integration Diane was referred to our clinic by another [PRI trained] physical therapist with primary complaints of headaches, neck and low back pain, dizziness, and bilateral hip pain.  She had been through a good PRI (postural restoration)...

Telehealth options

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth has exploded in its use and popularity.  This is not something that is going away.  Physical therapy services are usually best done with in person hands-on training but telehealth is certainly an option in some...

Shoe of the Month April 2021

ASICS NIMBUS 23 The ASICS Nimbus 23 is a great shoe and is one of the shoes on our Integrative Footwear List meaning its great for our patients that integrate with other disciplines (like vision or dental professionals).  Here is a quick video from Lori describing...

To Squat.. or Not to Squat

One of the most common exercises prescribed for lower extremity strength and power is a squat exercise.  Unfortunately, this is also an exercise that sometimes hurts or causes injury if not done correctly. Listen to PT Dave Drummer discuss when he feels comfortable...

Hruska Clinic Shoe List Updated For 2021

Proper shoes can make or break a good rehab or performance program. This is why at least twice a year the Hruska Clinic staff updates and puts out our recommended shoe list. Based on Postural Restoration  principles to guide our decision making, the shoes are picked...

20-21 A year to MOVE FORWARD

January 1 20-21Welcome to 20-21.  There haven't been many years that people have looked forward to more than 20-21.  If only because we are ready to be done with 20/20.  Everyone has had a very interested and trying year in 20/20, but we hope you learned something...


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